Support Exnihilo

We need your help! As a family of artists we know what it is like to strive to do art, make a living, and endeavor to be inspired. It is our desire to create a place for other artists to come and gather inspiration. We can't do it alone, so we are asking for donations to help make the dream a reality. Every dollar counts, and every donation is greatly appreciated!

A word about Fiscal Sponsorship: Why your donations are tax deductible.

Exnihilo Art Center operates under the umbrella of a fiscal sponsor. A fiscal sponsor is an organization that takes on the responsibilities of a 501c(3) on behalf of a smaller organization as long as that smaller organization qualifies under the law.

Our fiscal sponsor is Fractured Atlas. Fractured Atlas sponsors various arts related organizations like theaters, studios, arts educational venues, independent artists as well as artist residencies like Exnihilo. The service Fractured Atlas provides allows us the tax status that�makes us eligible to apply for grants and incentivizes individual gifts.

That is why when you contribute to Exnihilo Art Center your tax deductible receipt will read: Fractured Atlas: Exnihilo.


Contribute to Exnihilo

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Help support Exnihilo. All donations are tax deductible through Fractured Atlas.

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